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    About Me


    I began my healing journey at 22 by attending regular meditation classes in Amsterdam, after realizing I had many unprocessed experiences in my life. The regular meditation classes in Amsterdam became my first anchor. Six years later came a big turning point: my first silent retreat in the Netherlands, led by Isaac Shapiro and Meike Schutt (in the lineage of Papaji and Ramana Maharshi). During this retreat, I gained profound insights into the nature of reality, which significantly transformed my life.

    This experience led me to pursue a more dedicated spiritual path. I traveled to India where I had the privilege to meet various teachers, including Mooji, Swami Atmananda, and many others. The most formative encounter was with Pia Ma. For seven years, I worked as her assistant, and I helped facilitating many retreats. She also trained me in hands-on healing, through which I learned how emotions are stored in the body.


    The last twelve years were largely devoted to silent retreats, solitude retreats, and time spent with teachers, diving deep into the patterns and unresolved issues within my mind and body. After this period of intense inner work—what I consider as “breathing in”—I felt ready to “breathe out” and share with others. 

    In my search for a form that aligns with my essence, I discovered Craniosacral work. This approach immediately resonated with what I had learned: the importance of silence, presence, and trust in the body’s natural ability to heal. It’s like a meditative dance where I get to witness the unfolding of someone’s healing process.


    Recently, I attended a meeting with one of the most profound teachers I know, Ganga Ma. Someone asked her, “What do you think of these so-called healers?” Her response was as simple as it was confronting: “Did the healer him or herself get healed?” This question made me reflect deeply. Am I healed? No, but this question illuminates the heart of the matter.

    What I’ve come to understand is that healing isn’t about becoming whole – we are already whole in our essence. Rather, it’s about removing the layers that prevent us from recognizing and living from this inherent wholeness. It’s an ongoing process of awakening, in which I gladly guide others on their own unique journey toward healing. Would you like to join me on this path?